Ugandan : Musizi Joy first samples


SKU: 24009-10-11-12-13-14-UGK Categories: , , Tags: , , , , , , ,


We have partnered with Musizi Joy Foundation

This is Musizi Joy’s first bags and training dresses. The dresses have not met our quality control on size and have come out smaller than the should be. They are suitable for petite women, up to UK size 12 and 5ft7″ (170cm) in height. You will see this reflected in the price.

Our Dorcas dress is a dress for all seasons of life, including pregnancy and nursing. Place dress over head. Thread back ties through the loops and tie at the back. Pleat fabric flat under pocket. Wrap the front bodice around the back and draw the ties to the front, tying in a bow to sit over or under the bodice.

Our size-adjustable dress was specially designed so it could be made in remote parts of the world, just like Teso, where access to electricity is limited and sourcing trimmings difficult.

With your help and purchase we are able to support people out of situations of hardship by providing training, resources and pastoral care. We model our charity on our namesake Dorcas: a dressmaker from the early church, who welcomed others into her group, shared her sewing skills and took care of the marginalised in her community.

Additional information


Bright red leaf, Colourful butterfly, Jade wax and tie, Reflections in the water

Fabric choices

Black check, Mustard shell, Red cord, Red swirl, Green leaf, Chain link


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