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A focus on the work we are doing in Burundi

Over the last few weeks we have been working particularly hard to support our three partner organisations in Burundi, through Great Lakes Outreach. It has been a joy to receive their WhatsApp messages, photographs and videos, which really do share the colour and sounds of life in Burundi.

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Together for Development work with vulnerable members of their community by injecting hope, where all hope seems to be gone. Together for Development believes in teaching beneficiaries in a way that brings all generations together so they can develop their communities and know life in its fullness. They run sewing training schools which we have been able to link with, gathering people together to build their own sewing co-operatives.

ICJ work with hundreds of widows and orphans across Bubanza, Muramvya and Cibitoke in the northern regions of Burundi. They are helping them rebuild their lives after the frequent raids from rebels during the civil war. They have set up a sewing project as part of a wider aspiration to build business opportunities for those living in poverty in these regions.

RAJEDES predominantly work in the Burundi’s largest city, Bujumbura, in the deprived parts of the city. Their focus is empowering young people, providing business skills and enterprise opportunities. We are working with their sewing and tailoring provision to provide a product that can be made and sold locally to a high standard.


You have the opportunity to support each of these groups by ordering dresses from the fabric options which will be made available: please watch this space. The dresses will be made to order and delivered in the early Autumn. It might be a little forward thinking, but what a perfect Christmas gift for someone you love, by giving a little love too. You don’t even need to know the recipients size: as they are size-adjustable!

We’ll release more details when we receive photographs of the prints and colours available.

Let’s be praying for an exciting and productive few months for these guys.

Maria & the DDP team.
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